
How To Remove A Shower Arm That Is Is Stuck

How to Remove an Old Shower Head

Do-It-Yourself in one, 2, or iii Easy Steps!

Most shower heads but screw onto the threaded end of the shower pipe. Removing the shower caput is really every bit like shooting fish in a barrel every bit unscrewing this connection!

To remove your quondam shower head, first try by hand (see Step 1). If that doesn't work, try the side by side step. Yous may need to perform all three steps if your shower head is really stuck onto the shower pipe.

Stride i: Remove the Shower Head By Hand

Supplies: None

  • Grip the shower head or the connecting nut, depending on the design of your shower head.
  • Turn counterclockwise to unscrew and remove the sometime shower head.
  • If you lot need more leverage, hold the shower pipe with your other manus as you lot turn. (Take intendance not to curve or move the shower pipe.)

Remove shower head by hand

Step 2: Use Adaptable Pliers or Wrench

If y'all can't remove the shower head by hand, yous'll demand a few basic supplies.

Supplies: Adjustable pliers or wrench, textile rag

  • Cover the adjustable pliers or wrench with the fabric rag to protect the fitting and identify over the connecting nut.
  • Tighten the pliers or wrench as needed to grip the connection.
  • Turn counterclockwise to unscrew and remove the onetime shower caput.

Step three: Clean a Stuck Shower Head With Vinegar

If the shower head is still stuck, it may have mineral deposits that need to be loosened.

Supplies: White vinegar, plastic bag to fit over connexion fitting, big prophylactic ring or duct tape

  • Fill a plastic bag with white vinegar and fasten over the stuck fitting.
  • Wait several hours or overnight.
  • Remove the plastic pocketbook and return to Pace 2 to remove the old shower head.

Later on you lot successfully remove the old shower head, clean any remaining plumber'southward record or residuum off of the shower pipe threads.

Now you are gear up to install a new shower caput!


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